Sunday, March 1, 2009

Piecing the puzzle together

I work as a research assistant for Dr. Gingras and this position has presented me with a very unique opportunity. In conducting qualitative interviews with dietitians in Ontario, I have been able to learn a tremendous amount of information about the field of dietetics. There is one interviewee in particular that I was able to build a great relationship with. I felt like this woman was me. She mentioned that she was always the quiet, shy one in school that was considered kind of a "geek." She then described how she went through periods of her undergraduate career where she felt she didn't belong and was unsure of dietetics. It wasn't until her internship that everything began to fall into place. It was then that she had many "ah-ha" moments and was able to complete the puzzle with the various pieces she was given during her undergrad. I am hoping this will happen to me too as I feel all this information has been given to me but I haven't been able to use it. It's just floating all around me, and I have no channel for it.
There was another story she told me that really caught my attention. She mentioned that in her internship, her favorite rotation was the one in oncology. The reason was because she was able to encourage the patients to eat. Instead of trying to convince patients to cut out certain foods, she was able to give the patients in the oncology unit ANYTHING they wanted. Anything at all. Whatever would please them and make them happy. I think this would be my favorite too. But how ironic it is that patients have to be on their death bed before they can enjoy food? Ugh, it makes me angry!
I know some patients cannot eat whatever they want due to their condition. I get that. But somehow the restrictions have to be made into something positive. Somehow, the dietitian has to present the foods they can eat in a fun way. I look forward to talking to her again on the 4th. We will be doing part two of the interview process then, and I will be able to discuss her practice in more detail. I love having this opportunity to talk to has been such a great learning experience.

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