Sunday, March 1, 2009

Where I belong?

I think it's quiet fitting that after I posted my last blog I found this article on the Globe and Mail website:
The article describes how it is not the specific diet that helps people lose weight, it's how motivated one is. So perhaps instead of telling the patients at the hospital exactly how to lose weight ("don't use whole milk, switch to skim; don't eat cookies, try fruit instead") we should learn how to motivate them.
As well, telling society that ALL diets work as opposed to the message that NO diets work is quite confusing. Our society is just so obsessed! Quite frankly, I'm becoming tired of it. Everyone is so scared. I'm tired of people asking me if certain foods are "okay." I think this is the area of dietetics I want to focus on. I want to help people realize that life is just so short and we have to enjoy the time we have here. Obsessing about calories and fat is not a way to live! I want to bring back the joy of eating. Eating should be a time of happiness; a time to be with friends and family. Eating should not be something that evokes feelings of anxiety or guilt. Even if one is trying to lose weight for health reasons or because they need a transplant, eating should be made fun!
The article describes how it was not the diet, but the counseling sessions that influenced people to lose weight. Again, this relates to my last post in that I feel I have not been prepared to properly counsel someone. The articles says that people who attended counseling sessions lost more weight than those who did not. I think this is due to the human interaction aspect, feeling that one is not alone on their journey.
The article then suggests that perhaps community-based efforts would help with weight loss rather than individual efforts. In one little town in France, efforts were made to encourage children to eat "better" and exercise more by offering cooking workshops and opening new sports facilities. It appeared to have worked!
The community may be the key! Perhaps this is where my focus should be. In prevention, at the community level. Maybe this is where I belong as I'm so passionate about encouraging the public to lead a "healthy" life. I found this video on youtube and just had to share. If there's one dietitian that is trying to motivate kids to change, she's the one!

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